Champions of the Chesapeake
“Each year, 十大赌博正规老平台协会表彰来自切萨皮克各地的杰出领导人,他们在保护和恢复我们的自然系统和文化资源方面取得了重大和堪称典范的成就.”
-President and CEO Joel Dunn
Since 2014, 我们已经认可了许多个人和组织作为切萨皮克的捍卫者,因为他们致力于保护和保护切萨皮克湾, the largest estuary in the United States, and deemed a national treasure.
Nethra Purushothaman
A small group of Girl Scouts, led by 14-year-old Nethra Purushothaman, 质疑女童子军国家首都委员会出售乔治王子县数百英亩森林栖息地的计划, Maryland, for development. Nethra and her friends stood up for East Marlton Forest. 在十大赌博正规老平台协会和马里兰州塞拉俱乐部的指导下, it appears these big little heroes were victorious, 大部分土地将成为查尔斯布兰奇溪谷公园的一部分.
James and Sylvia Earl
詹姆斯和西尔维娅·厄尔是十大赌博正规老平台协会的长期支持者. 他们决定通过为当地的保护非营利组织提供一个工作场所来留下持久的遗产,这将深刻地影响十大赌博正规老平台组织的子孙后代. As Chesapeake Conservancy knows, 非营利组织面临的最困难的挑战之一是为管理费用筹集资金, such as rent. By enabling the Conservancy to acquire its own building, 厄尔家族的十大赌博正规老平台将减轻当地几家非营利组织的负担, as well as provide space for collaboration and sharing resources. 十大赌博正规老平台协会永远感谢他们对我们重要工作的支持.
Previous Champions of the Chesapeake
Vince Leggett |
Chief Anne Richardson, Rappahannock Tribe |
文斯·莱格特因努力保护切萨皮克湾的黑人历史和文化而受到认可. For 15 years, Leggett worked tirelessly to preserve Elktonia beach, 位于切萨皮克湾的一个五英亩的海滨地块,是弗雷德·卡尔于1902年购买的180英亩原始财产的最后残余. 卡尔海滩和斯派洛海滩是由弗雷德·卡尔的女儿们私人拥有和经营的, Elizabeth Carr Smith and Florence Carr Sparrow. “The Beaches” (1930s-1970s), as they were called, 代表了整个大西洋中部地区的娱乐中心,在种族隔离时期欢迎黑人. | 安妮·理查森酋长在拉帕汉诺克部落归还拉帕汉诺克河东岸丰斯悬崖上一块465英亩的圣地的过程中发挥了重要作用. The site, known as Pissacoack, 是否会永久受到保护地役权的保护,并用作娱乐和教育用途. Fones Cliffs也是秃鹰巢穴的所在地,并已被国家奥杜邦协会指定为具有全球意义的重要鸟类区. |
\u201cIn the early years of the Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network, Jonathan built a staff, 建立了一个由来自整个分水岭的创新思想家组成的工作组, awarded millions of dollars in grants to Gateway projects, 并与地区内170多家工厂建立了合作伙伴关系,\u201d said John Reynolds, a member of the Chesapeake Conservancy\u2019s board of directors and former deputy director of the National Park Service (retired), who presented the award on behalf of Chesapeake Conservancy.<\/p>\n<\/div>","tablet":"","phone":"