Champions of the Chesapeake

Each year, 十大赌博正规老平台协会表彰来自切萨皮克各地的杰出领导人,他们在保护和恢复我们的自然系统和文化资源方面取得了重大和堪称典范的成就.

-President and CEO Joel Dunn

Since 2014, 我们已经认可了许多个人和组织作为切萨皮克的捍卫者,因为他们致力于保护和保护切萨皮克湾, the largest estuary in the United States, and deemed a national treasure.


Nethra Purushothaman

A small group of Girl Scouts, led by 14-year-old Nethra Purushothaman, 质疑女童子军国家首都委员会出售乔治王子县数百英亩森林栖息地的计划, Maryland, for development. Nethra and her friends stood up for East Marlton Forest. 在十大赌博正规老平台协会和马里兰州塞拉俱乐部的指导下, it appears these big little heroes were victorious, 大部分土地将成为查尔斯布兰奇溪谷公园的一部分.

James and Sylvia Earl

詹姆斯和西尔维娅·厄尔是十大赌博正规老平台协会的长期支持者. 他们决定通过为当地的保护非营利组织提供一个工作场所来留下持久的遗产,这将深刻地影响十大赌博正规老平台组织的子孙后代. As Chesapeake Conservancy knows, 非营利组织面临的最困难的挑战之一是为管理费用筹集资金, such as rent. By enabling the Conservancy to acquire its own building, 厄尔家族的十大赌博正规老平台将减轻当地几家非营利组织的负担, as well as provide space for collaboration and sharing resources. 十大赌博正规老平台协会永远感谢他们对我们重要工作的支持.

Previous Champions of the Chesapeake


Vince Leggett

Chief Anne Richardson, Rappahannock Tribe

文斯·莱格特因努力保护切萨皮克湾的黑人历史和文化而受到认可. For 15 years, Leggett worked tirelessly to preserve Elktonia beach, 位于切萨皮克湾的一个五英亩的海滨地块,是弗雷德·卡尔于1902年购买的180英亩原始财产的最后残余. 卡尔海滩和斯派洛海滩是由弗雷德·卡尔的女儿们私人拥有和经营的, Elizabeth Carr Smith and Florence Carr Sparrow. “The Beaches” (1930s-1970s), as they were called, 代表了整个大西洋中部地区的娱乐中心,在种族隔离时期欢迎黑人. 安妮·理查森酋长在拉帕汉诺克部落归还拉帕汉诺克河东岸丰斯悬崖上一块465英亩的圣地的过程中发挥了重要作用. The site, known as Pissacoack, 是否会永久受到保护地役权的保护,并用作娱乐和教育用途. Fones Cliffs也是秃鹰巢穴的所在地,并已被国家奥杜邦协会指定为具有全球意义的重要鸟类区.


十大赌博正规老平台伙伴关系, create hundreds of public access sites, 参观约翰·史密斯船长切萨皮克国家历史步道等.<\/p>\n

\u201cIn the early years of the Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network, Jonathan built a staff, 建立了一个由来自整个分水岭的创新思想家组成的工作组, awarded millions of dollars in grants to Gateway projects, 并与地区内170多家工厂建立了合作伙伴关系,\u201d said John Reynolds, a member of the Chesapeake Conservancy\u2019s board of directors and former deputy director of the National Park Service (retired), who presented the award on behalf of Chesapeake Conservancy.<\/p>\n<\/div>","tablet":"","phone":"


Everyday Hero<\/a><\/h3>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n




Mariah Davis<\/a><\/h4>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n


Lifetime Champion<\/a><\/h3>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n




Dennis Chestnut<\/a><\/h4>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n


Next Generation<\/a><\/h3>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n




Anna Killius<\/a><\/h4>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n


Small Business<\/a><\/h3>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n




River Rock Outfitters<\/a><\/h4>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>"}},"slug":"et_pb_toggle"}' data-et-multi-view-load-phone-hidden="true" data-et-multi-view-load-tablet-hidden="true">

Jason Fellon, Watershed Manager,
Department of Environmental Protection

Marcus Kohl, Regional Director,
Department of Environmental Protection

国家公园管理局切萨皮克湾办公室助理警司Jonathan Doherty被授予切萨皮克奖冠军, in honor o他对切萨皮克湾流域的奉献、承诺和热情. 多尔蒂一直是切萨皮克湾保护和十大赌博正规老平台伙伴关系的不可思议的合作伙伴和领导者.

Doherty retired in June after 41 years with t他最初在冰川国家公园担任山羊监督员. From there, 他在哥伦比亚河峡谷委员会担任了十年的执行董事,然后担任中大西洋地区国家公园和国家遗产区规划负责人. 1998年国会通过《十大赌博正规老平台》后,多尔蒂担任NPS切萨皮克湾办公室的首任主任. 该立法创建了切萨皮克湾门户和水道网络, a network to identify, interpret, 保护和恢复切萨皮克的资源,并将人们与海湾联系起来.

In his 22 years of service with the Chesapeake Bay office, 多尔蒂帮助建立了网关网络和十大赌博正规老平台伙伴关系, create hundreds of public access sites, 参观约翰·史密斯船长切萨皮克国家历史步道等.

“在切萨皮克湾门户和水道网络的早期, Jonathan built a staff, 建立了一个由来自整个分水岭的创新思想家组成的工作组, awarded millions of dollars in grants to Gateway projects, 并与地区内170多家工厂建立了合作伙伴关系,” said John Reynolds, 十大赌博正规老平台协会董事会成员,前国家公园管理局副局长(已退休), who presented the award on behalf of Chesapeake Conservancy.




2019年公共服务奖由切萨皮克湾委员会领导层-参议员Guy Guzzone(医学博士)获得。, Senator Gene Yaw (PA), and Delegate David Bulova (VA).

The 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award was received by Ann P. Swanson, Executive Director

Keynote Address was made by U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen

Presenter Remarks made by U.S. Representative Bobby Scott and

Maryland House of Delegates Speaker Adrienne Jones

The event was held on:

Thursday, November 7, 2019

National Aquarium

501 E. Pratt Street, Baltimore, MD 21202


Gene Yaw, Senate of Pennsylvania (R-23)

耀源参议员于2008年11月当选为第23选区参议员. He Chairs the Environmental Resources & Energy Committee and is Vice Chair of the Appropriations Committee. He is also a member of the Judiciary, Law & Justice; Agriculture & Rural Affairs; and Banking & Insurance Committees. Yaw曾担任莱康明县律师17年,并担任宾夕法尼亚理工学院总法律顾问20多年. 他现在担任董事会成员,并担任宾夕法尼亚农村中心主席. Yaw是威廉波特麦考密克草坪事务所的“法律顾问”,也是莱康明法律协会的成员, 宾夕法尼亚州律师协会和宾夕法尼亚州司法协会. A U.S. Army veteran, 他获得了莱康明学院和华盛顿美国大学法学院的学位, D.C.

David L. Bulova, Virginia House of Delegates (D-37)

大卫·布洛瓦自2006年以来一直代表弗吉尼亚州众议院第37区. 第37区包括费尔法克斯市和费尔法克斯县西部的部分地区. In the House, he serves on the General Laws; Agriculture; Chesapeake and Natural Resources; and Education Committees, as well as the State Water Commission, Housing Commission, 医疗保健联合委员会和弗吉尼亚战争纪念委员会. 他还担任州长任命的南部地区教育委员会立法咨询委员会成员和弗吉尼亚水资源研究中心立法咨询委员会成员. Professionally, Bulova代表是木材项目经理和高级环境规划师, PLC. 他的主要专业领域包括MS4第一期和第二期许可证的规划和实施, NPDES stormwater industrial permit implementation, watershed planning, 以及雨水基金可行性研究和公用事业实施.

Guy J. Guzzone, Senate of Maryland (D-13)

Senator Guy Guzzone was elected to the Maryland Senate in 2014, after serving in the Maryland House of Delegates from 2007 to 2015. He currently serves as Senate Majority Leader. He is also a member of the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee, Chair of its Health and Human Resources Subcommittee, 此外,他还是基本建设预算和养恤金小组委员会的成员. Other current committee assignments include Rules, Legislative Policy, Spending Affordability, and Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review. Prior his legislative service, he spent eight years on the Howard County Council, including serving as its Chair. 参议员Guzzone也是Sierra Club的前州董事,并曾担任Chesapeake Bay Trust的受托人, and as a commissioner of the Maryland Growth, Resource Protection, and Planning Commission.

Ann Swanson, Executive Director

安·斯旺森(Ann Swanson)在海湾修复工作中担任领导已有36年, 最后31年担任切萨皮克湾委员会执行主任, a tri-state legislative authority serving the states of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. 委员会的责任是在州一级发起立法并与州立法者合作, members of the U.S. Congress, 以及联邦和州监管机构协调旨在恢复切萨皮克湾的项目.

虽然安在一个高度政治化的环境中工作,但她受过科学方面的训练. A trained wildlife biologist and forest ecologist, 她以优异的成绩毕业于佛蒙特大学和耶鲁大学. 她拥有佛蒙特大学的荣誉法学博士学位.

Ann的工作在地区、国家和国际上都得到了认可. She delivered a keynote address at the Stockholm Water Festival, 曾任佛蒙特大学鲁宾斯坦环境与自然资源学院院长11年, 并得到了海湾流域同事的认可, the governors of the region and the General Assemblies of Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia.





please contact [email protected] or Melissa Ehrenreich at (443) 482-9083.


Champions of the Chesapeake 2018 took place on November 1, 2018 at Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, DC.


View remarks from the President at the event


In 2018 we honored:

Accepted by Kristin Thomasgard-Spence

Accepted by Larry Selzer

Accepted by Nick Dilks

国防部战备与环境保护整合(REPI)计划 表彰其创造性地保护栖息地和生物多样性的做法,000-mile corridor in the Chesapeake.

Watch a video featuring some of the work of the REPI program.

The Conservation Fund 因为它致力于保护切萨皮克和约翰·史密斯切萨皮克小径沿线的自然和文化重要土地.

Watch a video featuring some of the work of the Conservation Fund.

Ecosystem Investment Partners 为他们的领导创造新的工作能力模式,为切萨皮克以结果为中心的修复和保护提供资金.

Watch a video featuring some of the work of Ecosystem Investment Partners.


Recognition of Superintendent Chuck Hunt from National Park Service, 感谢他多年来对切萨皮克湾办事处的工作和奉献. 我们祝他在担任Jean Lafitte国家历史公园和保护区负责人的新任务中好运.




See photos from Champions 2018


The 2017 Champions of the Chesapeake was held on October 15, 2017 at George Washington’s Mount Vernon.

Watch videos featuring each of the award winner’s Chesapeake achievements.

In 2017 we honored:

Public Service Champions

Maryland Governor Larry Hogan

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe
(accepted by his wife, Dorothy McAuliffe)


Philanthropic Champion

Corporate Champion

Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association, accepted by Sarah Miller Coulson

Microsoft Corporation, accepted by Fred Humphries


第三届切萨皮克年度冠军颁奖晚宴于2016年10月4日举行. This annual 颁奖晚宴是庆祝切萨皮克最大的倡导者所取得的成就的机会, where we recognize the public servants, corporations, individual philanthropists, 以及支持协会工作并将自己的职业生涯奉献给切萨皮克湾的下一代环保主义者.



In 2016 we honored:


Public Servant Champions


The Honorable Paul S. Sarbanes,
former U.S. Senator of Maryland

 The Honorable John W. Warner,
former U.S. Senator of Virginia


Philanthropic Champion

Corporate Champion

Next Generation Champion

Mt. Cuba Center,

accepted by Ann C. Rose, President



Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI),



dsc_1598Kim Hernandez Grubert,



Our sincere gratitude to our 2016 sponsors

Chesapeake Sponsors

Media Sponsor

Rachel Carson Sponsors

Beveridge and Diamond, PC

Brown Advisory

Chesapeake Bay Foundation

The Melvin & Ryna Cohen Family Foundation, Inc.

Stephen F. Harper

Hogan Lovells, LLP

Great Rivers Sponsors

Annapolis Towne Centre

Hamel Builders, Inc.

Keith Campbell Foundation

Mohawk Fine Papers, Inc.

John & Sue Neely

Red Leaf Dairy Corner

Richard Scobey & Bruce Ragsdale

Shore Bancshares, Inc.

Whiting-Turner Contracting Company

In-Kind Sponsors

Chesapeake Light Craft

Paula Degen

District Photo

Four Rivers Garden Club of Annapolis

Paul Lockhart

Tray Inc., Eric Swanson

Additional Sponsors


Chesapeake Contracting Group

The Conservation Fund

Geo-Technology Associates, Inc.

The Martin Architectural Group

Maryland League of Conservation Voters

Willow Oak Group





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In 2014 we honored:


Public Service Champion:

The Honorable Barbara A. Mikulski, U.S. Senator

(accepted by Linda Prochaska)


Individual Champion:

Keith Campbell


Corporate Champion:

Skyline Technologies Solutions


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参议员芭芭拉·米库尔斯基在第五团军械库会见了马里兰州国民警卫队的领导, Baltimore, Md., on April 23, 2014. 米库尔斯基支持成立一个关于未来军队结构的国家委员会. 参议员参观了马里兰州国民警卫队总部,并会见了Maj. Gen. James Adkins, the adjutant general of Maryland; Brig. Gen. Allyson Solomon, assistant adjutant general – Air; and Brig. Gen. Linda Singh, commander Maryland Army National Guard. “We want you to know that you’re needed, that you’re valued, and that you’re respected,” said Mikulski. “我们要确保戴绿色眼罩的人尊重穿绿色制服的人.” (Photo by Staff Sgt. Thaddeus Harrington, Maryland National Guard Public Affairs Office.)


(Photo by Staff Sgt. Thaddeus Harrington, Maryland National Guard Public Affairs Office.)





Second Annual Champions of the Chesapeake





In 2015 we honored:


Public Service Champion: 

National Park Service Director Jonathan B. Jarvis


Individual Champion: 

Dr. Mamie Parker


Corporate Champion:




                                                       Michael D. and Ann Hankin

Additional Event Sponsors

Annapolis Towne Centre | Stephen F. Harper | Red Leaf Dairy Corner

Shorebanc Shares, Inc. | BB&T | Cherry Bekaert, LLP | Chesapeake Contracting Group

Geo-Technology Associates, Inc. | Margaret and Edward Jackson


Reliable Contracting Company, Inc. | Whiting-Turner Contracting Co. | Verna Harrison Associates, LLP



Hogan Lovells

Table Sponsors

Keith Campbell Foundation for the Environment

The Conservation Fund

Bob and Chris Friend

Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds

In Kind Sponsors

Annapolis Tours by Watermark | District Photo, Inc.

Tray, Inc., Eric Swanson | World Class Flowers